Thursday, May 24, 2007

FanBase? Who needs fans?

I seriously fucking suck. I can spend 20 minutes listing all the reasons I have for not having written in so long, but honestly i should have found a way. I have some ideas for a few things, but I am really swamped with work right now, so i don't have time to give it what it deserves, so i will just do a little musing on something I saw this morning.

An advertisement for KUMHO tires. Kumho, really? That's the best you could come up with? Why not JizzBitch SpermSlut or something equally offensive?

Either way, there are some pretty clever, if limitied advertisement slogans that could be used for such a tire. best when wet.

Dear God I need a drink

Monday, May 14, 2007

Home sweet Home?

I’m sitting in my new living room with my 40 inch LCD screen sitting blankly in front of me (size matters to us boys too). The sun hasn’t set yet, and I have a ton of work to do, but instead I’m drinking beer and waiting for the glare to go away so I can play videogames. The fact that I’m a procrastinator is nothing new, but what is new, is the location of the writing. I am finally installed (mostly) in my new apartment, and basically nothing has changed. I feel no different now that I am “on my own” than when I was living at home. This is probably for more than one reason.

Paramount among them is the fact that I had to pay rent and a fuckload of bills before I moved out, so I don’t feel a culture shock. True I can’t really mooch off of anyone else’s food in my new apartment like I might have living at home, but this difference is minor at best.

Secondly, and I think more importantly is that I have a girlfriend. When I thought of living on my own, the idea that came to my mind the most was that I could finally go out with my buddies get tanked and then bring home random chicks. Now however, I still go out with my buddies and get tanked, but I always pick up the same chick. This is a good development, life is less interesting, but more steady. I wouldn’t change my life for a second.

Also the first round is never on me, but the pre-drink happens at my pad more now, and I always have a fridge full of brew, and cold pizza but not much else. Ahhh to be a young man on his own, it is a wonderfully stupid thing.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

I keep on falling in and out, of love with you

So, my last article seemed to have attracted a bit of attention, which is always a good thing. One of my most adamant supporters has finally made a request (If I needed an editor to keep me from missing deadlines it would be this girl. She never fails to remind me that I have no posted in like totally forever. Thanks for the reminders, and fuck you I'm trying to move and keep my job so I can pay my rent. But, thank you).

Her question that she would like to see me examine, is why allow the relationship evolve, seeing as how the more you move forward, the more you move toward the end. Many people feel this way, that the best part of the relationship is the beginning when it is all knew.

So what are my viewpoints on this? Furthermore, it has been asked of me if I have been in a long term relationship. First of all yes I have been in a long term relationship. I was with someone off and on (more on than off) for over three years. I was with someone else for more than a year. I have also dated around a lot. I offer a unique viewpoint on relationships as I happen to be the two polar opposite dating types at the same time. This means, more simply, that I am very comfortable in a long term relationship, and have also thoroughly enjoyed playing the field.

So to answer the second question, why should we evolve our relationship if the beginning is the best part? Well I think we should allow our relationship to progress because it is inevitable anyways. Nobody enjoys a relationship that feels as though it is going nowhere. The speed with which it progresses of course is dictated by the level of intimacy that both people are comfortable with. Think of each of these levels of a relationship as flavours of ice cream. While it is good to eat ice cream, and the first time you taste a new flavour is incredible, you would get sick of it if it was the only flavour you could ever eat. That being said, my theory for a solid relationship is to have all flavours all the time. Just because you hit the next level, it doesn't mean you need to abandon the previous ones. Have your cake and eat it too (man I shouldn't write when I am hungry)

I believe that if you treat every date like the first date, and treat your wife like your girlfriend forever, you'll still have googly eyes for each other when you need coke bottle lenses to see them.

Thanks for the response, I hope to have more feedback from you all, and new topics. Ask me anything, I like to run my mouth!