Monday, May 14, 2007

Home sweet Home?

I’m sitting in my new living room with my 40 inch LCD screen sitting blankly in front of me (size matters to us boys too). The sun hasn’t set yet, and I have a ton of work to do, but instead I’m drinking beer and waiting for the glare to go away so I can play videogames. The fact that I’m a procrastinator is nothing new, but what is new, is the location of the writing. I am finally installed (mostly) in my new apartment, and basically nothing has changed. I feel no different now that I am “on my own” than when I was living at home. This is probably for more than one reason.

Paramount among them is the fact that I had to pay rent and a fuckload of bills before I moved out, so I don’t feel a culture shock. True I can’t really mooch off of anyone else’s food in my new apartment like I might have living at home, but this difference is minor at best.

Secondly, and I think more importantly is that I have a girlfriend. When I thought of living on my own, the idea that came to my mind the most was that I could finally go out with my buddies get tanked and then bring home random chicks. Now however, I still go out with my buddies and get tanked, but I always pick up the same chick. This is a good development, life is less interesting, but more steady. I wouldn’t change my life for a second.

Also the first round is never on me, but the pre-drink happens at my pad more now, and I always have a fridge full of brew, and cold pizza but not much else. Ahhh to be a young man on his own, it is a wonderfully stupid thing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've been living on my own for 3 years now and cold pizza and beer are still pretty much the extent of my fridge! Nothing wrong with that!