Monday, June 18, 2007

I'm ready to retire

It's official...after being on the workforce unofficially for 7 years, in an officially recognized "career", I am more than ready to retire. I did a dry run recently; people call it a vacation, but since I didn't actually go anywhere, and just did the things I couldn't do while working (i.e: drinking, sleeping in, getting tattoos), so it was much more like retirement than an actual vacation.

I wasn't sure if retirement life was for me though, because after a week spent in an alcoholic haze, I had forgotten what work was like. I was reminded this morning at 6:30 am. You see, one of my anathemas in life is alarm clocks(I have many as I am a pretty cut and dry person. I either love something or it is the bane of my existence...grey areas are for pussies).

I am of the firm belief tht human beings are anaimals, and that anything that detracts from that is inerently wrong. This means that I would ideally eat when I'm hungry, sleep when I am tired, and wake up when i am no longer tired. North American buisiness culture is not designed for this style of life, what with it's long hours short deadlines and preset lunch and break times.

I got to work, on time (necause even though I am against the early hour of work, I am also a punctual person), and was immediately assaulted with 2 weeks worth of catch up work. You see it turns out that running away from your problems doesn't solve them, they are going to be there when you get back, and they usually bring a few friends along for the ride.

So that is a quick synopsis of what's been up with my life. If I don't win the lottery soon, I have 42 more years of work before I'm allowed to retire for real.

Someone please buy me a drink.

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