Tuesday, June 12, 2007

There isn't enough girly shit in my apartment

I am fucked up y'all. I spent the better part of the day preparing to clean, while also thinking up things to write about. I came to two conclusions:

1) Im funnier when trying not to be funny. If I force it, it sucks balls. I will do my best to write daily, some things will be funny, most will not, because Im a pretty serious dude, or at very least I have deep thoughts about shallow subjects.

2) I can't wait for my girlfriend to move in with me. Forget about the fact that Im fucking cheap and spending half on bills as I usually do seems like a good idea. I did some basic math, and combined we make almost 80 G's a year. I haven't graduated college yet (unless my work mandated contract asks, in which case I totally did), but 80 thousand dollars a year= me being debt free and on a beach effin soon.

It's more for the fact that after I did get most of my cleaning done, I realized that my place looks like shit. My nicest furniture was either hand-picked by my girlfriend or given to me by her. She has been in her new apartment for like 1 fucking week, and it already looks 5 times nicer than mine. I have throw-pillow envy.

She has a bit less than a year on her lease, duing which time I will subtly convince her that moving in with me is not only the best option for her, and us as a couple, but actually the only option she has. This will include: Flat out asking, insinuating, offering, begging, pleading, demanding, manipulating, bribery, extortion black-mail, roses, cash, sexual favours, the lack of asking for sexual favours, a ring(?), two rings (for her ears), or just sitting on a chair that is too big for me, kicking my feet and looking lost (don't ask me why this works, but it's cute as all hell, and I can make her do anything when she's in that mushy frame of mind).

I would figure that this is obviously all a joke, and that while I wouldn't mind shacking up with my Girly, I won't do so by any duplicitous means. I want to clarify this, because I don't need another repeat of last week's fiasco (look in the archives http://toinespot.blogspot.com/2007/06/my-stupidmouth.html)

There you haves it, I never thought I'd settle down, and here I am impatiently counting down the days. Lucky me!


Anonymous said...

Are you trying to steal my roommate?

Toine said...

I'm not sure who is writing this, but if your room mate is my girlfriend, then yes I am trying to steal your room mate. Moreover, it isn't a matter of choice, or luck, but a matter of fact and time. She's mine, deal with it :)