Friday, June 8, 2007

My Stupid...Mouth?

Man I am a fucking idiot. You know how I used to hit on people randomly, basically anyone that moved? This was an animal instinct. The goal was to throw my nets out as far as possible, so that I had a better chance of reeling someone in. Now that I have landed the right one, I can stop using this method (also I can stop using fishing metaphors). This apparently is easier said than done.

You see, I have always been a rather flirtatious guy, joking around on the bluer side of life. Well I got into a fuckload of trouble yesterday because of it. I was speaking to a friend of mine yesterday, and was joking around about how she had missed her chance to be with me, because I was more than happy witht her girl that I am with (for those of you keeping track, me and Girly have been going strong for going on 4 months now). So far so good, right? I made it abundantly clear that I was taken, and too bad for her. Next I proceed to say if ever I was in the mood for some extra-relationshiop action, I'd give her a ring. Now I'm kind of fucking up right? Upon retrospection I would be inclined to agree, except that I knew what was going on in my head at the time. I know how unlikely this is to happen. It would be like saying whenever I grow 9 inches and learn how to sink a jumpshot under pressure, i'd go sign up for the NBA, I suppose it can be viewed as a truthful claim, but it is so fucking unlikely, that it has to be seen as a joke.

This by itself would not be a problem, except for the fact that I am so unworried about these claims that I kept my msn window open, where my girl just happened to see everything that was written.

After the drag-out fight where she up and left my place while telling me that she didn't even want to look at my face (of course I had no idea why she was upset at the time, maybe I should have stopped what iw as doing when she walked in from work, but im on vacation and was entertaining a buddy of mine, also I was on a breakaway with Crosby on Xbox360).

Now I could have been upset by the fact that she read my personal messages. She sure as hell felt bad for it, but I'm not. This is simply because I don't view anything in my life as being too personal for her. I have no secrets, I'm a good boy.

All this to say that it sucks, because one stupid conversation, taken out of context has fucked everything up. We're still together, she came back later that night, we went out for iced cream, and watched CSI. Now though, I can never have a female friend over alone, without her freaking out. This is cool because I don't have any female friends, but if i did, it would be ruined. The problem is not even that she's insanely jealous, it makes perfect sense, if I was in her position, i'd feel the exact same way. Thge problem is though that I said something dumb that messed up the little trust charm i had going. She says she forgives me, but she doesn't forget. I've seen her watch a movie, and then re-watch it four days later and not remember a lick of it, so im hoping she does forget. This is probably wishful thinking though.

Oh, its another social casualty
Score one more for me
How could I forget?
Mama said think before speaking
No filter in my head.
Oh, whats a boy to do?
I guess he better find one soon

Oh, and sorry for being away so long, I'll do my best to be back. I appreciate all the hate mail asking me to write back. Also the more subtle, "I'm so disappointed"s, you guys are going to guilt the fuck out of your kids, and when they resort to drinking to drown out your voices, they'll still hear me yelling,

Cheers! First round's on...anyone but me! And I'm taken!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to have you writing again...if you ever disappear for that long again I'll have to kill you. Vacation or not.