Monday, June 18, 2007

It must suck to be...

A musician.

Not just any musician, because frankly, most musicians barely scrape by in which case it doesn't suck fro them to be a musician, it sucks for them to be poor. No, at this moment I firmly believe it sucks to be a famous musician. The reason for this is because they are forced to tour in order to promote new albums, thus drumming up the sales to warrant the lavish trappings of fortune and fame.

This means that they have to play the same damn songs day in and day out for the duration of a tour. Also they have to be interviewed in every city, where they are inevitably asked the same questions. The problem with this, is not that it is boring, but because they have to seem like they are answering these questions for the first time, they have to seem genuine, otherwise it won't sell. Basically they have to lie. I wonder if the sophomore curse isn't simply a subconscious effort on the musicians part to thwart their future touring, thus allowing them to remain genuine, if not obscure.

Why would they hate playing their own might ask. They created them, and have had strong feelings involved in the making of these songs. And while I agree with you, I am drawn to the plight of the good parent (I say a good parent, because frankly bad parents aren't worth mentioning).

A good parent wants a child. they dream of a child and do their best to be the people who would make good children. They take their time while creating the child, making sure it is created with passion, love, and attention. When the child is brought to fruition, they take the time to mold them, caring for them in their fledgling moments, making them into entities that are important and noteworthy on their own, but also an integral part of a harmonious whole. Even down to their own. I have seen potential parents combing volumes of names, lexicons of appellations, to find the call sign, that will define their crowning achievement.

I have seen these same people want to tear out their own hair when the child is teething. It is not that they don't love their child, but having to repeat this poor thing's name over and over wears on them. It is the worst part of parenting, having to repeat the simplest lessons, over and over again. Repetition breeds contempt.

So today i think it would suck to be a musician. I'm not saying I wouldn't take a few million to do it, but I don't think it would be a walk in the park to do it.

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