Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The New Porn

This is something only a few guys will understand. Most guys are dating a girl who isn't really into sex, so they have to hide the fact that they watch porn. It's like Daddy's alcohol habit...everyone knows he does it, but no one talks about it. Also it's all your fault.

In my case, this is not a problem. My girl is a little deviant, so she doesn't care that I watch porn, as long as I'm not stealing any activities that could be better "spent" with/on her. She watches it too, and the rules apply both ways. When she's not around, it's cool to play ball, when she's around, I play with her.

The New Porn though, is videogames. She knows I play them, she knows I like em, but she gets this weird face whenever I play around her. So i've taken to not playing while she's around, hiding the last vestiges of my lingering nerdiness from the old days. This wouldn't be a problem, except that we're together all the time, so I don't have that much time to hit the sticks.

The real problem though, is the fact that I don't even want to play that much. After along mind numbingly boring day at work, I need like half an hour or 45 minutes tops, to blow things up, and shoot people in the head from a ridiculously long distance while jumping from the top of a tower. After I have that out of my system, I usually just want to fu...hug the shit out of her.

Wow, I really don't have any problems in life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My new porn... is new porn...