Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Dating is like prostitution, but you don't always get what you pay for?

Are you offended yet? Ok then let's continue. It's no secret by now that I am a fan of the fairer sex (considering they often tan more than us, and play relationships by a set of rules that none of us can fathom let alone actually win at, so how they are fairer is beyond me), you girls are beautiful (every woman is beautiful, some more than others, but they all do that thing where they put a towel around their head when they come out of a shower and brush their teeth naked, so all women drive me wild...except the fat ones), you're smart, and you have every right to call yourselves the equals to men. You might not be as physically strong as us, but in a world where the dominion of the planet belongs to the titans of industry, and the most powerful man on the planet looks like a kid I used to steal lunch money from (I'm talking about you Billie G), strength doesn't really matter. So if you're equal, why do we have to pick up the tab.

I was talking to a friend of mine, who happens to be an erotic dancer. First of all I am going to go forth and say that I have no problem with strippers, every stripper I know is a great girl, and this one in particular is the biggest sweetheart I know. She is not a whore, as a matter of fact she is several orders of magnitude less slutty than most people I know (including some accountants...well me anyways). She thinks I am handsome, and smart, and definitely going places...but she won't date me. One is that she's my sister's childhood friend, thus making me too young for her. But another big reason is that she refuses to ever pay the bill when we go out on a date, and I refuse to pay the bill every time we go out on a date. Why should I?

We both have jobs, and she makes triple my salary, and as such has developed tastes to accordingly. Why should I have to pay for everything, and why should I put myself into debt to just hang out with someone? Furthermore what does my paying for everything get me? Am i guaranteed to have a good time? Not exactly. Most of the girls I know who refuse to pick up the cheque tend to be as rigid in life as they are in their dating mentality, also as rigid in bed. Odds are any girl who thinks that there is a strict code of conduct for the fiscal policy of social interaction, won't let me hit her with a rubber chicken and call me daddy (not that I want to do this, I mean i have a rubber chicken, but i mean hey, doesn't everybody).

Nope. Even though you are looking at this hot chick, that you blew your two weeks worth of spending money to take out to the fancy restaurant, and the play or movie or whatever of her choice, you are not guaranteed anything. And funny enough you probably will only go home pissed thinking she's a whore if you DON'T get what you'd pay a whore for (funny how we boys work).

Now I play a completely different game. I am no Brad Pitt or George Clooney, but I have gotten enough girls in my life, that I am able to be choosy at this stage in the game. If I don't hook up with one, I'm reasonably sure another will come along soon enough, so I'm not overly worried. This state of choosiness (Which Katz will completely disagree with because by his standards I'll bang anything with a pulse. Not so good sir, no so.) has left me with certain criteria.

1. I don't go with Mormons. I am not one with a hard and fast rule of Fucking on the first date. If ti happens it happens, if it doesn't it doesn't. But there has to be some wiggle room, it has to be a possibility. If you don't even kiss on the first date, do not expect to see me for a second. Be open to all possibilities, and leave restrictions at the door. You're out with Toine now, and he doesn't do limitations.

you know what that is basically my only criterion. I only speak to people I find attractive, so it's not like I'll only date hot chicks, I tend to be surrounded by beautiful people, so it's not an issue. Personality is key, but you never know how someone is until you take them on a date.

I usually pay for the first date. I find it's only fair, because I asked her out. Now if she were to ask me out, I'm leaving my wallet at home. She came to me with an idea in mind for an evening out, I'm assuming she was planning on paying for it. With Girly it is ideal, because we both get paid every two weeks, but they're on opposite weeks. So when i get paid, I pay for the date, when she gets paid she pays (it's her week this week, and it had better be good if she wants me to put out. I'm talking a movie AND nachos). it's a beautiful thing, we both pay, and we both put out, a lot. Luckily for us we're both kind of slutty, so the worse the date the more we're likely to get down, just to add some fun to the evening (our first date was me taking a study break and her ditching some other loser she was already on a date with. Ahhhh, l'amour)

So basically that's it ladies. if you don't want the guy to think you owe him anything, pay. And the he owes you.

Cheers! First round's on...anyone who thinks we're all equals!


Anonymous said...

we're not physically as strong as u? um.. have u tried having a kid?

and no one ever said a woman couldn't pick up the tab, i've picked it up plenty of times and i was totally ok with it. its you men that later complain that u dont feel like the man in the relationship. u wanna feel like the man? stop complaining, treat us like ladies and not like sex objects, and offer to pay. if we say reject the offer, then at least u were man enough to open your mouth in the first place!

Anonymous said...

Toine, I agree with you. It's up to the guy to pay on the first date. However the girl should at least put out her wallet showing that she has the intention to pay. The guys should refuse. When the relationship gets more serious both people should be paying. I am not saying split the bill 50-50 but I would feel uncomfortable if the guy would pay 100% of the time so I would definitely try to pick up the tab more than once...

Anonymous said...

the guy should always pay. period. they still earn 30% more than us for the same occupation. its no secret. plus, it makes them feel less like a man if they dont. why would a lady want to make a man feel like that??

Toine said...

Maybe my point of view wasn't clear, so I'll distill it down for you. If you think the man should always pay, you're a prostitute, only instead of getting money for sex, you're getting food and drinks.

Also where do you work where men get paid more? Try getting a real job like at my company, everyone makes the same. Also if you stay on minimum wage everyone gets paid the same.