Monday, March 12, 2007

Laid Off...Or Just Laid

Hi All,

So I'm moving out in a month, life is good right? I have no furniture, nor have I found an apartment yet for the date I want, but every time I look online there are a ton of listings, and I'm getting back mad tax money, so I am cautiously optimistic. Also I am in the planning stages of a new business venture, that may or may not be the answer to my life's conundrum (that being the fact that I want money, but have no desire to wake up early, or wear pants). Life should be good, but it's not.

I was visiting my JuJu this weekend (one of the most gorgeous girls I will never hook up with. This isn't that big of a problem because she's my niece, but heaven help the first boy who does try to score with her), when I was forced to do the customary, "How's Work" with my brother-in-law. I hate this conversation, because it is the most fake stuff I ever do in a day. I do enough accounting myself (which isn't even all that much) without having to hear about someone else's. Plus he works for another company than mine, so he can't even tell me specifics. What he did tell me was that a bunch of people from his office were fired. Of course he used the term Laid Off, but there wasn't really that much laying going on (although everyone did get pretty fucked, so maybe it's a more apt term than I had originally surmised). My brother in law was quick to assure me that only the lazy ones, without any career advancement goals were terminated. This did not help me, because I am lazy and not with many career advancement goals, save only for finding where the best coffee machine is, and how far I can go at the company without doing any real work.

Then I started to think about it. How bad would it really be if I was laid off right now? At this stage in the game, I am making about 15 dollars an hour. I can easily find another job that pays that much, even if it is only telemarketing. Now true that job sucks, but it sucks by the hour. Currently I am on a salary, which means that if I am doing any overtime, I am doing it for the love of work. At least at a telemarketing job, if I work 60 hours, I get paid for 60 hours.

Also an added bonus of the low class life, is that I meet some pretty cool people. That is not to say I haven't met some winners where I work now (Lord knows that the rank of Boyz has increased by a boy or two), but the majority of the people I meet at my job, are so driven and dedicated, that it makes me feel bad when I come to the realization, that our job is pretty meaningless, except to make rich people richer. If the economy were to crash tomorrow, Accounting and Finance would be irrelevant. The tellers of stories would still be necessary, and we would all do a lot more hunting gathering and farming, but there would be no billion dollar businesses who spend more time spouting their initials than actually rendering a viable service to the average man. This may seem unlikely, but I still come to this revelation two to three times a day.

The people in a low-class environment (I'd say minimum wage, but these people make a ton of money, they are simply uneducated, so let's say minimum wage of the soul) are among the most interesting people I have ever met. The men are rougher and more prone to thug mentality, the women are less proper at the work place (think low cut shirts and high cut skirts, they're really working for that promotion!) You get to see younger people still trying to make something of their life, and older people coming to the realization that they probably never will. It's a writer's dream, a cast of characters so thick, that the books practically write themselves. Also hooking up at the office is not a stigma, it's a way to pass your break.

So am I worried about losing my job? Sort of. It would be awkward to explain to people how I got tossed from the "perfect job", but it would not be catastrophic. Fuck I could start working nights again, and sleep in till 11am everyday. Shit I might try to get tossed...after I use up my dental plan, vacation days, and get that Lasik surgery I was planning on.

So who cares if it's only 10am, we're unemployed, let's hit the bar!

Cheers, first round's on...whoever still has a fucking job!


Anonymous said...

And here I was thinking I was the only "Staff Accountant/Analyst" that had had those kinds of thoughts.

Actually, no, I have little doubt many of us have thought exactly those thoughts about interesting part time jobs. It just sounds slightly more interesting if I say I thought I was the only one.

So why stay? For the same reason we get paid like we do in the first place. We want to put that tag after our name that lets us sign passports and get paid handsomely to "safeguard investors", and working like this for a couple years is the only way to do it. Unless, of course, you sell your soul and work for the government.

Anonymous said...

Pat, I've come to the conclusion you're gay. And not the cool gay we hang out with and talk fashion with, but the ugly, hiking-boot-wearing, emo-loving cock muncher. I dislike you.

Toine said...

First of all I'm going to say, What the hell kind of Mo name is Phineas? Also is the B for Boy Lover, or Brad Pitt forever? as for the evil, sure thing satan, you're ragging on comment boards at blogs. Good Job chief, you definitely are the king of cats (it's shakespeare people, look it up).

As for Pat's comment, nobody gets paid handsomely at CA firms, you go private for that. And I definitely need more than a paycheque to appreciate my job.

Signing passports isn't a perk, it just seems like one more fucking thing I have to do for family and friends!

Anonymous said...

I thought this was a place to comment on Toine's writting not the sexuality of those writting comments. When someone makes a comment about another person's sexuality he/she is usually just covering up for their own sexulity insecurities and/or lack of confidence.

Toine you're doing an awesome job!!!! I"m addicted!!! Keep em comming!!!!

Pat I don't know you but your comments are great!

Anonymous said...

Mel, I have a feeling you were abused as a child. Consider therapy. Maybe a dildo too.