Friday, March 9, 2007

High Times

Hey All,

So I'm a bit late posting this, and that is simply because I have started being sick, and so the creative juices weren't flowing so well (every other juice is flowing too well). Being sick however didn't stop me from going out last night, it simply stopped me from getting to work on time, and will definitely stop me from staying the whole day now that I am here.

Last night I went out to watch a Hockey game with Girly, and then out with Bram and the Boyz (Girly neither came, gave me shit about going, or gave me shit at 1 in the morning when I woke her up to let me in the apartment. She did tell me to have fun when I left, and have sex with me when she was half asleep when I stumbled in, take notes ladies).

This may come as a surprise to some, but often times when hanging out with my friends, I am not entirely sober!!! I was thinking it over in Girly's bed this morning (she left earlier, and left me the keys so I coudl sleep in), and though I can't say I love Girly yet (being as how I haven't known her long enough), I could easily say that if I am going to love someone, she is the type. And then I started thinking about how wrecked I was last night, and how much fun I had last night. And then it hit me, being in love is exactly like being drunk/high/some combination of the two.

You see things that aren't there

Whether you have been eating the magic mushrooms, or met the man or girl of your dreams, you tend to hallucinate a bit. On the sticky icky, you tend to see shapes distorting themselves, on acid you see the music melting as Hendrix lays another sick riff, on Extasy you see love...everywhere. On love you see potential, even where it doesn't belong. This explains why girls could be in love with losers. It's because something about the chemicals in their brain goes wonky on the L-word, that makes them think that spike is a great guy, and that his time in jail will give him a better perspective to his writing. He might use paper now for his poems, instead of the flesh of the wicked. It's the thought that counts right?

You Laugh at jokes that aren't funny

I spent the better part of my life laughing my ass off last night (actually i spent the better part of my night thinking about how much I love Doritos and Twix, but a good part was laughing). I went over my evening this morning, running through the jokes I heard, wondering which ones were actually golden and good to use, and honestly I can't think of any (it is worth mentioning though that Ronnie is supercool, Firszt is so Hef it's not funny and Selvin loves Fisher, and is willing to explain to you why...for way too long). Love is very much the same way. You ladies have it the worst. For some reason, when you are into us boys, everything we say is comedic gold. You laugh at our jokes like we were Eddie Murphy on a roll in Delirious (if you don't know what this is...go fucking rent it). Us boys are not immune to the giggles either, but we tend to just laugh at your stories when we're trying to get into your that's not love...or is it?

If you're happy and you know it, don't do anything!

How cliche is it that lovers can spend hours looking longingly into each other's eyes. I can't say I have done this for extended periods of time, but i know that the best times i have had wit Girly have involved not much leaving my room (and it wasn't all sex either). If you're really into someone, you don't need to go out all the time, just chilling with them is enough for you. Well if you're cracked out of your head (on any combination of illicit substances), you don't really need to do much to have a good time either. I spent a few hours last night watching the Boyz play hockey on PS2 and let me tell you, it was good times.

So there you have it, if you want love, maybe you can find it at the bottom of a bottle, or at the tip of the filter (that's where the good stuff is right Bramo), and if not, at least you'll develop a dependency that'll require group therapy, and there's alot of hugging there. Any contact is good contact right?

Cheers! First round's on...anyone but me, oh and I have a problem...where's my hugs bitches!

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