Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Fuckin Americans

I had a wicked post that I wrote. I loved it, it was on how to perfectly please a woman. I discussed it with Girly and her Brother, who is the coolest 16 year old I have yet to meet, and they loved it. He sat there in rapt attention, she looked at me in open admiration, the clouds opened up and god himself gave me a thumbs up. OK maybe it wasn't that good, but Girly told me I had to write this down quick. I got to bed insanely late yesterday writing and editing the post.

When I checked this morning to make sure that it was as beautful on some rest as it was in my exhaustion, I typed in my address, and was greeted by AmericaBlog.com

I was invaded by the Americans people, I am Irak. Anyways the only way to fix this snafoo was to delete my last post and rewrite something else. this is that something else.

Stay tuned tomorrow for what may have been the greatest article ever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why do you call her "Girly" and can I see pictures? LOL! I'm just buggin' ya man. Keep up the good work...