Thursday, April 26, 2007

Bullshit and Confusion

I am convinved that unless I quit I am going to become a partner at my firm. I do not work nearly as hard as I should, and if this is were my company I would shit-can myself in a second (The New York or regualr version, whichever is quicker), but for some reason I am moving ahead at a pretty decent pace. The evaluations I am getting are good (or at least the ones I take the time to do are), some of them are better than good. I have been told by the highest ranking parrtners that they have yet to meet someone at my level that is as responsible and mature as me. They like my dedication and can see big things for me.

Maybe I should let them read this? It should level the playing field I suppose.

Anyways I am a bit dry on the humour front for right now, my life is a bit stagnant for the moment, I am being blown away by the creativity of others, and am more than a bit jealous at seeing people living what should be my life. Watch out though, i feel good things on the way, so stay tuned.

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