Thursday, April 19, 2007

I am a 12 year old

Every now and then you have a defining moment that changes your life forever. For me it was when I figured out that the people who wrote the books I loved to read actually did this for a job. They didn't come home at the end of the day pissed off, or get up super early to go and grind out their lives to pay their bills. They woke up when they wanted, they WROTE and got paid. I was 12 and knew I was going to do that. Then I grew up, and I got scared.

I sold out, I'm not going to lie, I gave up writing to become an accountant. I get up early every day to grind out my life to pay my bills. I get home every night, not pissed off, but definitely not proud. It really sucks. Now obviously this site is an effort to write enough to get the material for a book, but this job is killing me. It's hard to be creative when you're mentally exhausted. So I skip days, and I go on to the "more important things in life"

I went to a concert yesterday, John Mayer. It was amazing, I became 12 again, in wonder that someone could be doing what they love in life. I have no idea what comes next, and how I am going to get to my goal, but I do know this, my days as an accountant are numbered, I need to get out into the world, and out of this sheltered existence.

Also I really need to learn how to play a guitar :)

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