Monday, April 2, 2007

The Toine test, or How much do you really love me?

So I can start by saying I'm sorry for not posting a new article since Wednesday night (for Thursday), or I can say fuck you, I took a 3 day weekend and wanted to enjoy it. It's bad enough I am addicted to Adsense and Facebook (Girly commenting that I checked every day and that was a lot, her not knowing that for every one time she saw me, I checked like 3 times that she didn't). I had to stay away from a computer to enjoy the fresh air.

I spent some time with my Pops this weekend, and as always when I'm with him I feel like I can do anything. I feel bad for those out there that have never felt the unconditional support of a parent. And I'm not talking about you people out there who have parents that are proud that you're going into actuarial studies or medicine or I-banking. Your parents aren't proud of you, they're simply happy that you've picked a job that will get them off of their couch and out into the grind. If you think they support you unconditionally try the Toine test. This is a test I have devised and perfected in the only lab that matters, the streets. Basically choose a "good" career (I chose accounting). The more likely this career is to generate a steady revenue, the better. Now get 99% through the completion of this degree, and stop doing it. I have 87 credits completed of a 90 credit undergrad program. Not having completed has stopped me from graduating, and pursuing any further education. Now tell your parents that you would forsake guaranteed employment and a shitload of money to do what you actually love. I of course want to be a writer. Perhaps you want to be a painter or a chemist, or a mercenary for hire. In any event the less likely this is to provide you with decent money the better. All your parents want for you is your happiness right? They should have no problem supplementing your income while you eat golden grahams and write then.

Go ahead and try this out, you'll see how full of shit your parents probably are. I know my mom is, she'll barely look at me anymore, and told me I can't go visit my grandmother again until I have a diploma. Considering my grandmother is half senile, and keeps calling my Jo, I don't understand why such advanced education is necessary. Maybe my mom thinks I was studying to be a doctor.

My dad however loves that I'm such a goof off. And while my parents are separated, I don't think it's a ploy for my love. He genuinely loves hearing about my daily stupidities and has no idea why I wanted to be a numbers guy to begin with. He can't wait to get to a computer to read my daily column, and bust a gut during the one night stand article(he's recovering nicely, I gave him ice cream!!!). He also can't wait for me to quit my job and travel around the world. He believes that retirement is wasted on the old. Young people should enjoy life while they're fearless, and settle down into work when they're old.

So go ahead tell your parents that you want to give up business to be a clown, see how much they laugh. And when you pussy out under the weight of the guilt you can tell them you were joking. They will laugh nervously and might even give you 20 bucks and tell you to go let go of some steam, you crazy kid. And when you get to the bar to drown your sorrows (this will be the only source of happiness in your life, as you are about to sell yourself into a career you hate for the next 40 years or so), you'll hear me yelling

Cheers! First round's DAD!!!

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