Wednesday, April 18, 2007

There's no one else but...

See I can't really put names on here, but if you can imagine a Swiss accent, Girly and her best friend would be cracking up right now. This is because last week I had the good fortune of taking my Girly out on the town, for drinks and dancing. Her best friend and roomie tagged along, and brought a date. This girl is something else let me tell you. I have tried my hand at juggling girls before, and have had the good fortune of having a menagerie of "Speed Dial Associates", these entrepreneurial females that wanted nothing better than to assist me whenever I have found myself alone and in need of their skills. They weren't even hooker's either, although they did have some Ho-ish tendencies. All this is in the past of course, because I am happily locked in. I know I know, way to think it through, one girl forever. If you knew this girl, you'd get it. I really can't explain it any better than that. So for the time being I am out of the game. Ideally it would be a permanent condition, but shit happens, she could go crazy or get hit by a bus (or go crazy and run around hitting buses). enough about that, I'm talking about her friend.

This girl doesn't juggle fuck friends, she actually has two distinct relationships going. Both of whom she claims to be in love with, and both of whom are evidently in love with her. This shit is insanity, mainly because i hear about it almost daily, with this girl freaked out about who to choose, because both guys are pretty cool, and both are willing to give her good stuff.

I am supposed to be good at dispensing advice, so i will do my best to work out this situation. Although this might seem like a nice thing to do, it is mainly so that she can stop waking me up in the morning and sitting on the bed an jabbering my Girly, while I'm nursing some morning wood.

Both guys seem nice, one is foreign, one is from here. You have a problem right here, foreign people can get deported. SO one would think go with the home-grown hero.

Foreign boy is beloved by my Girly, while the HGH is despised. I personally think they are both good guys to hang out with. SO in the interest of friendship, it's one point for the Swiss chalet.

HGH is rich.

Swiss chalet is taking her away for a month in Europe.

HGH is apparently a demon in the sack

Swiss Chalet is apparently a quick study.

Holy fuck that is a tough call. If they were chicks I'd say go for the one with the biggest rack, but in this case I'm going to have to side with the Swiss Chalet, because HGH is way too successful, and makes me feel bad about myself. Besides when Swiss boy gets wrecked and starts bitching about how perfect for her he would be, he buys me drinks.

Cheers! First round's on...whoever Girly's Friend is dating this week.


Anonymous said...

I vote for making them fight to the death. She can keep the winner.

Anonymous said...

Whoever that girl is...i'm raising a glass to! Hun you are amazing. Bravo!
Pick the swiss guy, you can find any rich guy from canada anytime, but a good guy from europe...score!