Thursday, March 22, 2007

The Triumphant Return

I don't even remember when the last time I wrote was, and that is not a good thing. In my own defense, it is not my fault. If it wasn't 11 hour work days, it was the onslaught of the most vile stomach flu I have ever had (that was a dicey day at the client let me tell you). I find myself back at my desk looking towards the future, and realize I still have a bit of my past to deal with.

Prior to the American attack on my site (henceforth referred to as 3/20), I had a small revelation on the nature of women. I claimed to have had an Epiphany of sorts, which would allow any man to snag any woman, to get her and keep her happy. This secret would allow a man to be any woman's greatest lover, her best friend, her slave and her master all at the same time. It was perfectly written, and absolutely relevant to every one's daily life. Of course it was instantly subverted by the American blog machine, and I had to take it down in order to keep my site my own.

I don't necessarily believe that the American government is trying to keep me from teaching the masses how to please their women, but the timing is more than a little weird. That being said, I have had time to reflect, and I take my original claim back. This piece of advice will not enable you to get ANY woman, it will however be able to get you any woman that matters. You ready for it Boyz?

Pay attention to her

It's really just that simple. Women are people too, only they haven't been trained from birth that feelings are for pussies, as such they express them more. Moreover, they are no smarter than you are. This means that if you listen long enough you will be able to make links between what she says, and what she is about to say. You know how you know who is going to win the big game most of the time, this is basically the same premise. You look for the little clues that most people are not paying attention to, and you bet. Only this time you're betting on yourself, and her, and you as a couple, and if you're right, you get sex. Tons of it.

So that's it for now, keep it in mind Boyz, otherwise just hit up the bar with me.

Cheer's first round's on...anyone but me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know man, sounds like a lot of work... lol!